Heads have started rolling in the state house after the falling from grace of President Joyce Banda.

Information in FaceofMalawi’s custody indicates that the administration of Peter Mutharika has replaced the press officers at the state house.

Whereas in the past it was Brian Banda and Tusekelo Mwanyongo who were the press officers for the state house, Mutharika has fired them all and has replaced them with Malawi Voice editor Justice Mponda as well as Blantyre Newspapers Limited and Timestv journalist Chikondi Juma as well as Galaxy FM’s Sylvester Namiwa as his press officers.

The information that is yet to be released from the state house but has been verified to FaceofMalawi indicates that Mutharika has trusted the three.

Mponda was arrested two times by the Joyce Banda regime the time he was running the Malawi Voice, an online news-site that serves the interest of the DPP.

Meanwhile some reports have indicated that Mutharika is to settle for a senior editor at the Blantyre Newspapers Limited for his press secretary.

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