Newly elected President Arthur Peter Mutharika has called on Malawians to put aside their political affiliations and work together towards developing the country.

The President said this on a whistle stop tour at Ntcheu Boma before proceeding to Lilongwe.

“Whether you belong to DPP, UDF, MCP or PP does not matter; let us hold hands and work as one towards developing this country.

As for me I have put the past behind me and I am willing to work with whoever is willing to come forward and assist my government,” said Mutharika.

He went on to thank the people of Ntcheu for sending 6 Mps on DPP ticket to parliament saying:” I want to thank you for your support as you know we have 6 Mps from Ntcheu which is impressive,”.

In his brief remarks, MP for Ntcheu West Constituency Mwai Kamuyambeni agreed to the President’s open arms for everyone and thanked Professor Mutharika as he rendered the area the much needed support during the campaign period.

“Sir, as you have said we will work with everyone who is willing but they should come to us whole heartedly,” explained Kamuyambeni.

The President made his first stop at Chingeni turnoff where he thanked people from surrounding areas including Balaka for voting for DPP saying:” I want to thank you for your support and I want to urge you to continue working with us, know that this is your government that you have elected, not mine,”

Brother to late Bingu Wa Mutharika, President Peter Mutharika is the 5th Head of State of the country.

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