The opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has said time for enacting bad laws that are not in the interest of Malawians is over.

MCP President Dr Lazarus Chakwera said this on Monday after being sworn in as Member of Parliament from 2014-2019.

“Recycled politician have taken our country hostage for 20 years and they will not give back to you easily. They are determined to use every means necessary to make sure that the fate and riches of this country stay in the hands of privileged few. Our task is to systematically take away the means they keep us in powerless and voiceless.

In this election we have learned that the exercise of bad laws is one of the means by which recycled politicians stay in power while the majority of the people stay in poverty. This means that if Malawi is going to prosperous we cannot just focus on building good infrastructure and electing good leaders, we must also pass and enforce good laws”, said Chakwera.

Meanwhile the swearing in ceremony continues today at Parliament Building in Lilongwe.




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