Death toll of Fishermen in Nkhata Bay tragedy have risen from two to 12 following the discovery of nine more bodies of Fishermen at the Lake Malawi on Wednesday.

Nkhata Bay police publicist Sergeant Martin Bwanali has confirmed of the development.

The fishermen went missing following stormy Mwera winds that have been blowing over the Lake since Friday.
According to information sourced by Face of Malawi from Bwanali indicate that, among the 12 are Phillip Chirwa, 45, from Thowolo Village, Andrew Jai Banda, 52, from Longwe Village, Meke Chirwa, 28, from Thuli village, in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Mankhambira in the district.

Bwanali also identified the other bodies as Agent Chirwa, 37, from Malengasoma Village in the area of TA Fukamalaza, Manase Chirwa, 42, from Kanyanda Village in the area of TA Malenga Mzoma, Richard Chirwa and Phillip Banda whose particulars were not yet known.

Sergeant Bwanali further said particulars of five bodies could not be immediately established and were buried instantly as they were found in decomposed state.

Meanwhile postmortem results conducted at Nkhata Bay District Hospital indicated that the men died of suffocation while in water after their canoes capsized due to stormy winds.

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