Plans are underway for the Malawi Electoral Commission to migrate tobiometric system from the voter registration system the commission used in the recently-held tripartite elections.

According to the MEC’s spokesperson Sangwani Mwafulirwa, the current marked recognition system contributed to the challenges the commission faced during the voters verification exercise.

The commission – as said by Mwafulirwa, has in the voter registration system been relying on human input which he noted is prone to errors.

The MEC’s spokesperson says the biometric voter registration system – once in use – will among others; help the commission to minimize complaints of missing names of voters in the voters’ role.

During the past elections the electoral body did not use such technology in its transactions.

In fact the voter counting was manual after conflicting reports somewhat indicated that the computerized system had a technical fault.

It was also known that such technology had worked but with struggles during the voter verification.

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