Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chief Elections Officer Willie Kalonga has distanced himself from the article carried by nation on Sunday titled “Donors Exposed”  which quoted him blaming donors  for the challenges faced during the polling day, saying its untrue and misleading.

Kalonga refuted the allegations through a press statement made available to Face of Malawi dated June 10 2014.

In the article dated June 8 2014, Kalonga was quoted admitting that donors failed to meet their budget requirements to support the commission.

“Donor’s whose 40 percent contrition to the K18.4billion tripartite election budget was mostly to pay for voting materials, the donors only managed to pay 22 percent of the pledge,” said Kalonga

But in a statement which Face of Malawi have imposition, Kalonga blasted the claims as untrue and misleading.

“The commission find the headline and content of the article to be misleading and not a true reflection of the commitment and support which the Development Partners have rendered to MEC during the election period. The article does not reflect the views of the Chief Elections Officer or the Commission.

“The donors Fulfilled their commitments in this process , and it is improper to attribute to them the challenges that were faced during the polling period”, reads the statement.

The statement further say no one from the commission can support the assertion that the Development Partners have not met their financial commitments to the process.

Meanwhile Kalonga has attributed the challenges faced during the polling day is due to logistical problems.



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