Authorities in the Cotton industry have expressed hope that this year’s production will surpass the figures realized last year.

Last year the country realized less than 100 thousand metric tons and it is believed that this year the quantities might reach 150 thousand metric tons.

In an interview, the cotton development trust CDT’s Chairperson Patrick Khembo said currently his institution is still computing the total production which could be just below 200 thousand metric tons-
which was their initial target.

“Last year we were at about 100 000 metric tones and we are hopeful we will go beyond it, but we were looking at 150 000, though in reality it may be too much for our wishful thinking.

“However, we are still collecting the data from the farmers; you know we work with farmers most of them small holders so determining the whole production take long time.”

In an interview, Khembo has expressed satisfaction over this season’s marketing activities –saying is relatively fair for both producers and the buyers.

As this year’s cotton marketing season is cloaking one month, authorities have since reported an increase in the number of ginneries –referred to as local buyers.

This comes against the background that the crop hardly attracted valuable buyers in recent years, a development that has thickened the crop’s new hope.

Khembo said the cotton ginners operating in the country have significantly increased to at least thirteen; –the highest attained.

“As you may recall, the state president opened another one not long ago, and I am also pleased to mention that Mapeto is now into the actual buying which means the company will beginning its cotton on their own.

“ADMARC is also buying cotton, and this will simply mean the number of buyers has increased tremendously.” Khembo said

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