As Malawians are keenly waiting as to how President Professor Author Peter Mutharika is going to deal with culprits in the rooting of Public funds at Capitol Hill dubbed Cash gate scandal, Minister of Finance Goodall Gondwe has hinted that the government  will publicize all names involved in plundering of public funds.

Gondwe disclosed this on Monday afternoon in National Assembly when responding to question raised by Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Member of Parliament for Lilongwe Msodzi South, Dzoole Mwale demanding full report to be tabled in Parliament as soon as possible.

In his speech, Gondwe assured the nation that the Mutharika administration will release the Audit report in August accompanied by names involved in plundering of public resources.

“We are very systematic. We have had a discussion with the forensic people from London, they came to visit us. In August we will come with a report to expose names as it should be exposed,” said Gondwe.

He further assured Malawians that anyone one named in the Cashgate scandal will not be spared as promised by Mutharika.

Cash gate scandal came to right when unknown thugs shot Former Budget Director Mr. Paul Mphwiyo last year during the Joyce Banda administration.

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