The Malawi government wants Parliament to approve K210 billion as a provisional budget for carrying out its business up to October 2014.

Minister of Finance, Goodall Gondwe, was expected to move a motion on the provisional budget on Friday. A notice on the development is contained on Thursday’s Order Paper.

“The Honourable Minister of Finance to move that this Assembly approves, pursuant to Section 178 of the Constitution, that the minister of Finance do authorise the withdrawal from the Consolidated Fund, an amount not exceeding Two Hundred Ten billion, One Hundred Seventy Eight Million, One hundred Eighty Eight Thousand, Six Hundred Eighty Nine Kwacha (K210,178,188,689),” starts the notice.

It continues: “…For the purpose of meeting expenditure necessary to carry on the services of government from 1st July 2014, the beginning of the Financial Year 2014/2015 to 31st October 2014, or until the Appropriation Act, 2014 comes into force, whichever is earlier; but so however that any moneys so withdrawn shall be included in the Appropriation Bill to the Appropriation Act, 2014.”

When delivering State of the Nation Address last week, President Peter Mutharika said after review of what had been prepared at the time the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was taking over government, the budget was not yet ready, making it necessary to have a provisional budget for three months.

“The work that has been done so far is not well developed and the proposed budgetary allocations are either illogical or conflicting with the DPP view points. Moreover, there are a number of issues that need to be resolved before the budget can be finalised, including consultations with the general public, the academia, private sector, civil society organisations, the Cabinet, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and donors,” Mutharika said.

He said the full 2014/2015 Budget will be presented in September, 2014 when outstanding issues will have been resolved.

In a related development Minister of Information, Tourism and Civic Education, Kondwani Nankhumwa is also expected to deliver a statement on the status of Access to Information Bill on Friday.

Meanwhile MPs on Thursday concluded debate, and adopted the speech President Mutharika delivered in the House.

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