Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Member of Parliament for Dedza North West, Alekeni Wodala Menyani, yesterday proposed that Parliament should discuss the issue of having a federal system of government in Malawi.

Menyani made the proposal when he was contributing to a debate on a state of the nation address President Peter Mutharika delivered in the House last week.

“Eighty-five per cent of the cabinet are kinsmen from one region. The only solution to keep this country together is having a federal government today and now,” Menyani said.

A federal state is characterised by a union of partially self-governing states or regions under a central government.

Menyani told the House that with voting on regional lines as manifested in last month’s elections, it can be interpreted that Mutharika has no political authority in other regions.

He stretched his contribution to moving a motion that the House adjourn so that the Business Committee meet to discuss on how the House should handle the issue.

First Deputy Speaker Esther Chilenje Nkhoma faulted the way Menyani presented the issue. She advised Menyani to take the issue to the Business Committee first and if approved, it will be brought to the House later.

However, Menyani’s proposal did not please Leader of the House, Francis Kasaila.

“It is sad that colleagues from MCP want to divide this nation… They have no mandate to claim that DPP is regionalistic,” Kasaila said.

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