The Country’s Vice President honourable Saulosi Klaus Chilima has urged Mulanje Church of Central African Presbyterian (CCAP) to continue working with government in developing the country especially in the education sector.

Chilima said this on Saturday at Mulanje Mission when he presided over the 124 years celebration of the mission.

“You will agree with me that Mulanje Mission has educated several people in the country including late Prof. Bingu wa Mutharika and the incumbent Prof. Peter Mutharika .

“Not only that, but the church has also contributed a lot in other development projects of this country,” Chilima said.

Chilima then presented 50 chairs and K200, 000 donated by President Mutharika.

On his part, Moderator of Blantyre Synod, Reverend Robson Chimkwezule, attributed the success made by the church to discipline .

Mulanje Mission was established in 1890 at Likhubula in Mulanje and moved to the present station in 1927 where it constructed a primary school, community day secondary school, nursing school, hospital and 75 other health posts within its catchment area and the Likuni Phala manufacturing centre.

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