Pretty boy comedian, Trevor Noah has got a bit of stain on his rather squeaky- clean image yesterday, after an eighteen year old woman claimed that she is pregnant with his child! Wait, isn’t Trevor in a committed relationship?  Not that has stopped anyone from cheating.

Anyway, the lady who goes by the alias Just Jackie, shook up our dull Monday afternoon by dishing out her and Trevor’s dirty laundry for all to see.

If you missed the tweets, they went a little something like this….

Trevor obviously didn’t take things lying down and more than anything took the advantage of the pregnancy hype to promote his shows.

Noah’s current girlfriend came to his defence by posting this simple tweet that reassured us that they’re still happily involved.

If there’s one way to know that you’ve officially made it in the entertainment industry is when you have some random woman claim that they’re pregnant with your child, look at the amount of successful rappers who have fallen victim of such a claim from Snoop Dogg to T.I they’ve seen and heard it all!

How do you call out South African’s for being dumb if one of our fellow citizens just got you “knocked up” and left you feeling like Adele?

Besides that, how do you call us out like that if your ultimate dream is to be black, have braids, and speak Zulu like our beautiful South African women?

Bare in mind bae, our President is a people’s person. Chances are, he saw that tweet and was like:


Here is something else I found interesting about the allegedly pregnant 17-year-old British girl,

Last we checked Trevor was dating beautiful Capetonian physiotherapist, Dani Bagel and he even shared this picture of them on Instagram.

Trevor Noah with physiotherapist, Dani Bagel

Trevor captioned the pic: “Even a joker needs someone to make him smile… #GoodTimes #GreatCompany #AppleIsAGreatCompany #SorryIGotSideTracked #TP”

And judging by this tweet she posted today during the incident, Dani and Trevor are still an item.

Sigh. Some people have too much time on their hands.
With that being said, I also need to go focus on bigger things yeah?

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