A 21-year-old Woman is in Police custody at Kanengo Police Station for allegedly killing her two months old baby.

Kanengo Police Publicist, Esther Mkwanda confirmed of the arrest and identified the suspect as Catherine Kadam’manja.

According to Mkwanda, the suspect had a quarrel with her husband on Monday at Mnkhwanira Village, T/A, M’bang’ombe over family issues which made the suspect and her husband to sleep in different rooms where she strangled the baby to death.

The next morning, the husband left for work at a nearby maize mill where he works as a maize mill attendant.

Mkwanda added that, on Tuesday morning the mother in-law to Kadam’manja asked her on the where about of the baby but the woman could not utter any word and after searching the child was found dead in the room.

“The mother in-law to the suspect reported the incident to the village headman who reported the case to the Police,” said Mkwanda.

She further said the child was taken to M’bang’ombe Health Centre where it was revealed that the baby died of strangulation.

Kadam’manja will appear before Mkukula Court soon to answer charges of Infanticide which is contrary to section 230 of the Penal Code.

Kadam’manja hails from Gwengwe Village, Traditional Authority (T/A) Tambala of Dedza.

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