Former ruling People’s Party (PP) Publicity Secretary Ken Msonda has threatened to drag to court Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) officials and District Commissioners (DC) for fraud and abuse of office following irregularities that marred the controversial May 20th Tripartite Elections.

Msonda disclosed this in an interview with one of the local daily papers in the country.

“I have been consulting my lawyer on the possibility of dragging to court MEC officials Chairman, Commissioners, Chief Elections Officer, Presiding Officers – 2 or 3 District Commissioners or headmasters/teachers for fraud and abuse of office.

“My lawyer has assured me it is possible if I have evidence; I have evidence. If truth be told to shame the devil, the recent passed 20th May Tripartite General Elections was characterized with numerous discrepancies, irregularities and anomalies to the annoyance of the majority of the citizenry and other electoral stakeholders.” said Msonda.

Msonda claimed that MEC as constitutionally established institution mandated to conduct elections admitted that the elections were a disgrace to the nation.

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