Police in Blantyre are keeping in custody Skyway Private Secondary School (Blantyre Campus) Mr Kasiya over exam malpractice.

Blantyre Police Spokesperson Elizabeth Divala confirmed of the arrest in an interview with FaceofMalawi.

According to the statement sourced from Malawi Nation Examination Board (MANEB) Facebook page, states that ” Mr Kasiya was arrested on Friday for collecting and opening an envelope containing confidential instructions when his school was not supposed to have access to. Such confidential information is only meant for a school administrating the 2014 practical subjects.”.

The statement adds ” His school, however, did not have required facilities to allow its candidates take practical papers there hence their use of Ndirande Hill Secondary School instead which was the right authority to collect confidential instructions”.

Mr Kasiya was discovered on Friday and Mr Kasiya was arrested and handed over to Blantyre Police for gaining access to examination materials, contrary to Section 14 (2a) of MANEB Act.

If found guilty of the offence Mr. Kasiya will be sentanced to 10 years Imprisonment with Hard Labour and pay K300,000.

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