President Professor Author Peter Mutharika has described the 18th Association of Member Episcopal Conference for Eastern Africa (AMECEA) which is underway in Lilongwe as timely.

Mutharika said this on Thursday during the Opening Mass of the conference held at Civo Stadium in Lilongwe under the theme ‘New Evangelisation Through True Conversion and Witnessing to Christian Faith.’

“The theme of this Plenary Assembly and especially under … evangelisation could not come at a better time now that our African Region and the entire world is being attacked by evil forces,” said Mutharika who clarified that the evil forces are being manifested through continued wars, confrontation and other forms of crime against humanity among others”, said Mutharika.

Mutharika further urged the association to consider discussing issues that is affect Africa.
Episcopal conference of Malawi (ECM) Chairperson Bishop Joseph Zuza thanked the President gracing the conference.

The AMECEA Plenary which started on Wednesday will run for 10 days.

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