Over the Weekend Robin’s Park in Blantyre was the centre of attraction as People from all works of life headed there to support Malawi Institute of Journalism (MIJ) fm comic maker, DJ Nicholas Mbonela also known as Che Nkope who is sick.

Mbonela was admitted at Adventist Hospital in Blantyre two weeks ago after he was diagnosed with Cardiogenic Shock.

Various artist in Blantyre in conjunction with MIJ fm staff organised a show to raise funds for Che Nkope to be airlifted to South Africa or India to have access to medical treatment for the heart problem. The function was grace by Minister of Information Tourism and Civic Education Kondwani Nankhumwa.

In his speech, Nankhumwa thanked all people who graced the invent and also he disclosed that President Professor Author Peter Mutharika has issued a directive to airlift Mbonela for medical treatment.

“After I visited him [Mbonera] few days ago, i reported to the Head of State and he issued a directive that we should send him to a hospital outside the country for treatment,” Nankhumwa said adding ” We are currently processing to send him to South Africa or India, depending on where the doctors advises us to fly him to quality treatment”, said Nankhumwa

During the concert, Mbonera’s Che-Nkope vs Nance, Zilipatu and Mikoko CD was auctioned and Nankhumwa bought the CD at K100,000 cash, while celebrated comeidan and Adventist Relief Agency (ADRA) Malawi Country Director Michael Usi aka Manganya pledged to buy the CD at “over K200,000.”

Mbonela needs about MK7 million to be treated on his heart problem.

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