A Police Officer, Ernest Saulosi, who was found guilty of corrupt practices by public officer, has been sentenced one-year in jail IHL.

He was initially arrested by the Ant-Corruption Bureau (ACB) for soliciting K50, 000 from Stella Kuliramboni in order to release her husband on police bail.

The complaint was lodged on April 30 2012 and he was eventually arrested on May 1 after he had received K40, 000 from Stella Kuliramboni.

He was taken to Lilongwe Magistrate Court where he was consequently charged with three counts of corrupt practices by public officer and two counts of abuse of office contrary to Section 24(1) and 25B(1) of the Corrupt Practices Act, respectively.

“On 21st July, 2014, the Court sentenced him to three years and two years imprisonment with hard labour on the first three counts and last two counts respectively.

“The counts were to run concurrently. However, the court suspended the counts to twelve months,” said ACB spokesperson Egrita Ndala.

The Court also ordered the convict to return K40, 000 to Kuliramboni.
The ACB has so far issued a warning to all people to desist from demanding payment for police bail which is free.

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