Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Commissioner Nancy Tembo has said the body will hold by-elections for all constituencies and Ward that fell vacant after the May 20 tripartite election on October 21, 2014.

Tembo revealed this on Sunday in an interview with the press.

In her speech, Tembo said the body has not yet come up with the budget for the exercise as it does not have funds.

“As of now I can’t tell you how much we have budgeted for these by-elections. Once we get all the resources we anticipate to conduct the elections on the date that I have told you,” she said.

She further said that MEC will unveil the programme for the by-elections on August 22, 2014.

Blantyre North , Thyolo South East and Mbalachanda in Mzimba are some of the places MEC is expected to conduct the by-elections.

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