President Professor Author Peter Mutharika arrived in Washington DC in United states of America to attend the first US – Africa Leaders Summit convened by the US Government to further strengthen ties with the African continent.

Mutharika and the First Lady who arrived in the US Capital on Saturday, joins about 49 other African leaders invited by US President Barak Obama to the summit that will build on the progress made since President Obama’s trip to Africa in the summer of 2013.

The three days Summit which is scheduled to start today Monday seek to bring Africa and the US closer together economically and politically.

Traditionally, the US maybe would have invited a few African leaders to the meeting in Washington DC but this is the first time that almost all leaders of the continent, which is being regarded as one world’s most dynamic and fastest – growing regions, have been invited at once.

The summit will be held under theme Investing in the Next Generation.

This is the first trip for President Mutharika since he was elected as President of the country on May 20.

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