Four Gulewamkulu cult members are in police custody in Ntchisi for allegedly being suspected of sodomising four boys of ages 12 to 15.

Ntchisi Police spokesperson Gladson M’bumba confirmed of the arrest and identified the suspects as two minors of 16 and 18 years, Chipiliro Yolamu and Vincent Kafakale both 21.

According to M’bumpha the victims left their respective homes for the Dambwe Camp where they wanted to learn more about the cult for a possible listing.

“But to the surprise of the boys [victims], the four suspects put their private parts into the young boys’ mouths and sodomised them before forcing them to swallow their[suspects’] release which the young boys accepted for fear of being beaten,” M’bumpha said.

He said the victims also told the police that when they tried to spit out, the suspects forced them to swallow the release threatening that the boys would be whipped with a hot iron rod.

All the four victims are said to have escaped from the camp to one of the victim’s home and later informed their parents about their ordeal.

The Ntchisi Police publicist said the police received reports on the issue on Sunday and launched a man-hunt which led to the arrest of the suspects on Monday.

The suspects are expected to appear in court where they will answer sodomy charges contrary to Section 156 of the Penal Code and if found guilty they face a jail term of up to 14 years.

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