Former President Joyce Banda for the first time has spoken about her defeat in the May 20 polls claiming that she did not suffer defeat but was robbed off victory by the current government.

In an interview with the New African Magazine, Banda has been quoted as saying that she did not lose the election but had reports that some of her supporters were frustrated with the delay in the release of the results and were planning violence together with supporters of other parties.

Banda has been quoted as saying that some of the people had petrol bombs and if she had not conceded then Malawi would have been on fire.

Malawians on May 20 voted Banda out of office but due to shock Banda had tried to cling on to power but had miserably failed and she eventually gave up with time.

Banda has since been shunning the media but this time she has opened up. Currently, she is out of the country on a holiday after reports were rife that her arrest was imminent.

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