Parliament Officials have released a statement which states that government is currently searching for funding for the establishment of a parliamentary radio station that will mainly be promoting issues about parliament.

This is one way of ensuring that parliamentary issues are brought close to the people as embedded in the national assembly strategic plan.

Currently parliament relies on Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) and Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) for the broadcasting of its activities more especially when parliament is meeting.

Speaking in an interview, First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Esther Mcheka Chilenje Nkhoma MP said that currently the parliamentary radio project is in the planning phase.

“Currently we have a license that Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority MACRA granted us, adding to that our planning department is working on the budget on how much we will need for the entire project, we are appealing to partners to help parliament in this radio project so that we should be able to meet our set goal of bringing parliament to the people as you know that parliament belongs to the people and we are just representatives as MPs,” said Chilenje Nkhoma.

Other plans aimed at bringing parliament closer to people according to Mcheka Chilenje include construction of constituency offices across the country which she said also required funding for their implementation.

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