The opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP)’s vocal Publicity Secretary, Jessie Kabwila on Tuesday morning was spotted sneaking into Malawi President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika’s hotel in Zimbabwe’s resort city of Victoria Falls where the two held a closed door meeting.

The meeting, lasted just over half an hour. The two were in Victoria Falls attending SADC meetings.

Kabwila was seen coming out of the President’s private apartments smiling showing, she had finally gotten whatever she had been looking for in her recent outbursts towards the three months old Mutharika administration.

Zimbabwe security officials and those of President Mutharika refused our reporters to take pictures of the jovial Jessie Kabwila saying, it was a private meeting.

Kabwila also turned down our microphone when we wanted to seek her comment on that early morning presidential audience.

However, we can exclusively reveal that the meeting was initiated by the MCP publicist who telephoned the Malawi leader on Monday night saying she wanted to see him before leaving for Malawi on Tuesday.

Kabwila’s wishes were granted on Tuesday morning when the 5th Malawi president granted her audience at 8:00am.

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