Malawi is one of the poorest countries, and the vast majority of children have been orphaned by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Education has been severely lacking in that region, but there’s a group that’s making a massive difference. The Youth of Mawali Project is creating a school building there that can be replicated across sub-Saharan Africa, and serve a dual purpose: to educate children during the day, and be used as an adult learning centre at night. The school is comprised of converted shipping containers as well as local materials such as mud bricks, cement pavers, and bamboo mats. Three countries are collaborating to build the first school in Chimphamba, and will be powered via solar panels and use natural ventilation to keep the interior cool.

Although their Indiegogo crowd funding campaign is now closed, you can contact either Youth of Malawi or Architecture for a Change for more information if this is a project you’re interested in supporting.

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