Puma Fuel dealer has pledged over a million kwacha of fuel to at least six hundred farmers in three districts this growing season.

The fuel will mainly help farmers run their motorized irrigation farming equipment with ease.

Puma Energy Company Sales and Marketing Manager Joseph Chafumuka said the idea is to help farmers attain food security status and be able to sustain their lives with earnings thereafter.

Beneficiary farmers have been identified in Lilongwe, Karonga and Rumphi districts were fuel for motorized pumps will flow.

ARCOD board chair Mr Eisenhower Mkaka said they have advised farmers to save part of their earnings for fuel next season.

The target districts have been known to suffer dry spells in the past which have affected livelihoods in homes of many people.

Puma Energy’s rescue comes after a request by the Association for Rural Community Development ARCOD for assistance from various organizations to intensify irrigation farming to bail out people from these districts from hunger.

While other organizations provided seed, some provided motorized engines and Puma Energy gave out fuel.

Chafumuka said this was a response to the plea by ARCOD to help the farmers realize bumper yields through irrigation farming this season.

“We have been supporting football and other social activities in the country; we thought it is time to help farmers to intensify irrigation farming because our country relies much in this sector,” he said pledging more support in future.

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