Reports reaching FaceofMalawi indicates that Mulli Brothers Limited (MBL)employees have sealed one of the conglomerate’s subsidiaries, Smallholder Tea Company (Steco) in Mulanje in protest of their unpaid salaries.

The employees on Monday stormed Mulanje District Labour Office to advise the office about their intention after communicating the same to their human resources manager Martin Chikoya.

Chairman of the workers, Goodson Sakwata confirmed of the development, saying they had closed operations of the company until their grievances are sorted out.

Mulanje district labour officer Gideon Mothisa also confirmed of the development, saying the angry workers marched to his office because of the mediation which he had played since 2012.

The workers have not been receiving their salaries and wages since 2012 due to what MBL says is as a result of loss of business and government’s failure to pay the money it owes the company.

When approached for comment, Mulli Brothers Limited managing director Leston Ted Mulli could not deny but he was quick to say the Company is working on the matter.

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