President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika will today Thursday evening 28,2014 sign a Golden Ball, committing himself to HIV prevention.

Mutharika will join Fifteen Heads of State who have already signed the ball.

The ball arrived yesterday by Ghanaian Football Team Captain Asamoah Gyan who is the Ambassador for the initiative.

The signing ceremony will take place at Sanjika Palace in Blantyre.

According to a Press Statement, a visit by Gyan is one of the series that National Aids Commission (NAC) UNIADS and other partners are undertaking to reinvigorate HIV prevention in the country, particularly among the young people.

The campaign also seeks to contribute to the three zero new infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDs-related death and in particular the drive towards zero infection through the galvanizing power of football.

The Captain is also expected to grace the Standard Bank Cup finals to be held at Civo Stadium between Azam Tigers and Silver Strikers in Lilongwe on Saturday.

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