As Parliamentarians starts their deliberations on Monday next week, it has been revealed that Minister of Finance Goodall Gondwe on Tuesday afternoon is expected to present 2014/15 National Budget at Parliament in Lilongwe.

Parliament Chief Public Relations Officer Leonard Mengezi confirmed of the development in an interview with one of the local media house in the country.

“Minister of Finance Goodall Gondwe will present National Budget Next week Tuesday at 2pm and for the first time all committees of parliament will be given a chance to scrutinize the budget”, said Mengezi.

When asked if there will be other bills to be tabled apart from National budget , Mengezi said at the moments his officer has not received any communication from the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC) of other bills to be tabled.

President Professor Peter Mutharika delayed the budget saying he wanted to align the budget with Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Manifesto.

This will be the first National Budget to be table by DPP since the party assumed the high office on the controversial May 20 tripartite election.

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