Malawi’s former President Joyce Banda risks two years imprisonment or getting a fine amounting to MK500, 000 for restricting candidates in her Peoples Party (PP) to withdraw in the 7 October scheduled by-elections.

One of the candidates who was barred and is now on a verbal row with the party over its decision is the secretary general of the party, Paul Maulidi who also wants to contest in Blantyre North constituency as a legislator, seems to be in favour with the electoral laws.

Maulidi and Band are at loggerheads over the party’s decision to withdraw from the 7 October by-elections citing poor electoral laws and incompetence by the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) as noted in massive irregularities that marred the May 20 polls.

PP’s outspoken spokesperson Ken Msonda, refused to comment on the matter on the risks Band may face should she insist on her stand that Maulidi participates in the by-elections, and strongly denying knowing the laws.

According to Msonda, PP does not know such laws and there is nothing like that as far as their knowledge is concerned. “They are no such laws. You (Journalists) should read and know the laws. Nowhere is it stated that one may be arrested or be fined for making a decision like the one made by PP”, said Msonda.

Commenting on the matter, Malawi Electoral Commission’s (MEC) Chief Elections Officer Commissioner, Willie Kalonga told FOM that the laws are clear and all stake holders including PP know them.

In his words, Kalonga said influencing somebody to withdrawal from participation is punishable in accordance with the existing electoral laws. “The laws are clear and such practices attract punishments.” said Kalonga.

“However, it is the candidate’s wish whether or not to sue his/her party officials if they ever try restricting him/her from participating”, Explained Kalonga.

Meanwhile, Maulidi has stood firm on participating in the by-elections and has dragged Banda and the PP party to court for violating his rights. He says he has already wasted resources including a whooping amount of K72 million in his preparation for the controversial May 20 tripartite elections.

Maulidi has already submitted his nomination papers to MEC and if he withdraws, his nominations fees will not be refunded according to MEC laws.

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