Opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Spokesperson Jessie Kabwila labelled the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) regime under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika as incompetent.

Kabwila said this in Parliament yesterday during question time after noting that Ministers were not able to answer questions raised by MPs in Parliament.

The first to raise its dissatisfaction was former Vice President Khumbo Hastings Kachali, who said the failure by Ministers to attend to questions is stalling the business in the house.

On her part, Kabwila lambasted the DPP government, saying it is incompetent.

“Stop calling this government as a caring government”, said Kabwila.

Kabwira said the DPP-led government is behaving as if they are not ready to government.

This is not the first time for Kabwila to strongly attack the Mutharika administration and label it as government of failures.

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