Malawi government has said it will not re-implement the shoot to kill policy as it violates people’s right to life.

So far the public has burst with outcries saying government the need to put in place “The Shoot to kill Policy”

Sources show that 95% of people were in support of the policy, citing that it had led to a reduction in crime.

Many people believe that the policy is the only way to deal with crime even though government is being lenient.

The increase in crime has currently been seen as a threat to the government as several robberies have taken place lately. For example, thieves broke into the vice President’s house in Mandala in Blantyre, and Last week robbers went away with MK500 million from Standard Bank in Mzuzu, which was later recovered by the Malawi Revenue Authority staff.

However, government is still insisting that they will not re-implement the law because the civil societies and the non-governmental organizations have spoken against it; saying it violates people’s right to life.

President Peter Mutharika attributed the security lapse to his political adversaries, as he believes they are doing it deliberately to make his government look bad.

According to Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Paul Chibingu argued that the reinstatement of the policy would compromise the role of the police in discharging their duties.

The government has since then doubled allocations of the 2014-2015 national budget to the law enforcement institutions to deal with crime

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