Police in Blantyre arrested a Louis Mwachande, 28, of Biziwiki village in traditional authority Kapeni, for stabbing and robbing Frighton Mapira K12, 600.

Blantyre Magistrates Court sentenced Mwachande to six years in prison at Chichiri prison.

Mwachande committed the crime in Green Corner along Chikwawa M1 road.

He was granted bail soon after being arrested but was later re-arrested on April 10th following his attempt to escape.

Senior Residence Magistrate Chisakamile bannished Mwachande to serve six-year jail term after being rejected his plea for liniency.

He complained in court that he was married and has a kid who depend on him.

But Magistrate Mwachande prescribed a jail term due to high preference rate of robbery and to deter would-be offenders.

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