President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika arrived in New York, USA on Monday for the 69th Ordinary session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly.

On arrival the President was welcomed by Malawi’s Ambassador to the UN Charles Msosa, Malawi’s Ambassador to the US Steven Matenje, The Minister of Foreign Affairs George Chaponda and Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare Minister Patricia Kaliati among other dignitaries.

The high level world leaders’ Assembly is expected to start Wednesday 24 September under the theme “Delivering on and implementing a transformative post-2015 development agenda”.

The summit is expected to give countries like Malawi a chance to share how they want the development agenda to be implemented beyond 2015 so that no country is left behind in development.

Since the country managed to attain at least four of the eight Millennium development goals, Malawi is among the 50 countries chosen by the UN to hold consultations on the post-2015 agenda.

Mutharika is expected to make his inaugural speech in his capacity as the President of the Republic of Malawi on Thursday 25th September.

He is no stranger to the United nations General Assembly podium since he also addressed the Assembly as leader of the Malawi delegation to the 66th ordinary session of the UN in 2011 when he was Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Before his address to the Assembly this year, he will also address a business and heads of state meeting on Climate change on 23 September.

The President is also scheduled to hold several bilateral meetings.

A look at the tentative diary for the President indicates that he will among other things address the New York Stock exchange.

This is by far the world’s largest stock exchange market, as the capital for listed companies stand at $16.6 trillion and a daily trading value of $169bn.

The address to the stock exchange will therefore give Malawi an opportunity to woo investors.

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