Parents Teachers Association (PTA) Chairman for Bua Community Secondary School (CDSS) in Mchinji, has been arrested on suspicion of encroaching on the school’s land.

Mchinji Police Spokesperson Moses Nyirenda revealed to FOM that the PTA leader Vincent Gwiriza will appear in court to answer the land encroachment charges.

Gwiriza hails from Mkanda village in the area of Traditional Authority Mkanda in the district.

“As a chairman of the PTA at the school, he has been using the land belonging to Bua CDSS to mould his personal bricks which is contrary to section 316 of the Penal Code and he will possibly appear in court] to answer the charges that have been leveled against him,” Nyirenda said.

Sources close to the place said Gwiriza who started moulding bricks on the land during the recent school break told the school management not to have any say on the land because it belongs to people who come from the area.

“When the school administrators and other PTA members approached him on the issue, he told them off. He told them that the land is for the people from the area not people who are there because of employment.

Knowing that what he was doing is against the law, they just resorted to report him to police,” the source said.

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