A seventeen year old boy from Angayanjane village, Traditional Authority Mlolo in Nsanje District has been sentenced, to fifteen months Imprisonment with Hard Labour (IHL) for attempting suicide.

The victim Pearson Mpatsoka, was summoned before group village head man Misesa of Manje Township to answer cases of causing disorder in his village like smashing windows of seven houses belonging to his aunt over rows.

Upon being told reasons for his summon, Mpatsoka, left the place in anger and told the gathering that he is going to commit suicide. He was later found in his aunt’s house in the same area with a loop tied on his neck trying to hang himself.

Mpatsoka pleaded guilty to the charge levelled against him.

In his ruling, third grade magistrate Catherine Magwira of Dalton court in Limbe, said the practice is not condoned  and ordered a stiff sentence to deter other would be offenders to refrain from committing similar offence.

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