A Physically challenged Gilford Jester who was born with no hands has against all odds passed the just released Primary School leaving Certificate of Education examinations at Nkhwazi Primary School in Mchinji district.

Jester, who uses legs to write, has been selected to Magawa boarding Secondary School an achievement which he says has proved many people wrong, because of doubts they have had on him due to his physical condition.

“Ever since I was born people have always underrated me, some of them were even saying I was wasting my time by going to school, it’s only my parents and teachers who were encouraging me.

“I know the results is a shock to most people, they never expected me to go any further with my education,” said the boy.

He however said that it was not easy to be in class, saying he had a lot of problems and that the environment in class was not conducive enough.

“I was having problems in handing my homework to the teacher for marking because very few classmates were willing to help me, most of them had also the perception that I was wasting my time and could not pay attention to me.

“Sometimes I could not attend classes for a week because of books, with my mother helping there was nothing I could do than to wait for her to source money for books, this was affecting my performance but I was always working reading hard to catch up friends,” he said.

Her mother Florida Khwasa applauds the boy but says she is not ready to pay him school fees, saying she don’t have any source of income which can sustain the boy at a boarding school.

“Talking about the results, am not surprised at all, he has been doing fine in school since standard 1, my only worry is where will I find the money for fees and other basic necessities? I don’t think I can manage that at the moment because am not working,” she worried.

She further said that different people and organization had to promise to pay school fees for her child but none of them have come forward to help.

“When he was at primary school a lot of people and organization showed interest in him, they promised us they will pay his secondary school fees should he pass the primary examination.

“Now that he has passed the exams no one has come to fulfil their promise, we are just looking forward to hear from them,” said Khwasa.

The district Social welfare has since given the boy different groceries and promised to pay his fees at the school, saying he is a role model.

“As an office we are very amazed with the boy, he has shown that everything is possible, we have heard and seen everything about him.

“It is very important that the boy should continue with his education, we have volunteered to pay him school fees until he finishes his secondary school, this is not because he is poor or disabled, but because he is a role model to many may people who are disabled in one way of the other, they can get inspired from him,” said Rodwel Chunga, the district Social welfare officer.

Gilford Jester who aspires to be a district commissioner is amongst ten pupils who have passed PSCLE exams at Nkhwazi primary school. The school had one hundred and thirty seven pupils who sat for the exams.

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