As inside fighting in one of the football power house in the country (Big Bullets) wages on, executive treasurer Noel Lipipa has stepped down from his position.

His resignation comes barely weeks after the resignation of the team’s Chief supporter Isaac Jomo Osman who blamed the management of mismanagement of funds.

In his speech, Lipipa has said his decision has been arrived at due unprofessionalism in the club when it comes to monetary issues.

“The way the team’s finances are managed leaves a lot to be desired. There is a lot of unprofessionalism and to save my reputation I thought it wise to step down,” Lipipa said.

Lipipa further said he was not satisfied how the chairperson Kondie Msungama and General Secretary Harold Fote transacted the change of Bullets Nedbank account as advised by the bank behind his back.

The bank advised the team to change the bank account name from Bullets FC to Bullets Limited to be in line with the name registered with Registrar of Companies.

Msungama confirmed of the development but blasted the claims raised by Lipipa.

“He is one of the five signatories to the account and how can he claim that he wasn’t aware of the transaction?”, he said.

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