A private teacher, Godfrey Nditani has been sentenced to 12 years Imprisonment with Hard Labour (IHL)) for defiling one of his part-time pupils.

Blantyre Magistrates Court sentenced Ndatani, 35 years old who hails from chipanda village T/A machinjiri in Blantyre, to prison.

Police Prosecutor, Sergeant Victor Nachuma told the court Nditani defiled one of his pupils, a six-year old girl, on August 5th, 2014.

Nditani forced himself on the girl during a part-time session at Nasiyaya in T/A kapeni Blantyre.

The incident happened right in the building which is both used as a classroom and a dwelling house for him (Nditani); explained Nachuma.

Nachuma pleaded with the court to impose stiffer punishment since the accused breached the trust parents had on him.

Nditani had earlier on pleaded not guilty to the offence but medical report revealed the girl was indeed defiled.

Senior Resident Magistrate, Chikondi Mandala imposed the jail term after rebuffing plea for leniency.

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