The full Cashgate report which contains names of suspects and companies has now been submitted to the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Goodall Gondwe.

According to Auditor General, Steven Kamphasa, the report has been submitted after an entire week of scrutinizing it at the office.

Kamphasa said that the report will be made public by the Minister through the National Assembly.

” This is a very important report as it contains names of suspects and everything that transpired” said Kamphasa.

He however said that the report has only covered the 6 months period.

On whether the report is final, the Auditor General, said further investigations will be administered.

The audit was done by a British audit firm – Baker Tilly, and they had earlier on revealed that the money that was lost through the plunder was MK13 Billion. However, the Anti-Corruption Bureau during the weekend said that the total sum that was lost MK20.3 Billion.


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