As debate continues on the call for the country to adopt federal system of government, Paramount chiefs Chikulamayembe and Kyungu have reversed their earlier decision to quash the advocacy of federal system of government.

During sensitization meeting conducted by presidential adviser on unity and parliamentary affairs Symon Vuwa Kaunda in the Northern Region aiming at suppressing the idea, the two vehemently quashed the move, saying the whole move aims to divide Malawians.

In a dramatic turn of event, both the two have reversed their earlier stand.

The first to comment on the matter was Chief Kyungu who said: “am comfortable with federalism campaign only on the basis that it should be a national call”.

Concurring with Kyungu’s remarks, Chikulamayembe said he is in total support of the campaign.

President Professor Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika during a Press Conference held at Sanjika Palace on Monday aim at updating Malawians on what transpired at the 69th United Nation General Assembly (UNGA)said he will let Malawians decide on the matter.

The man behind the proposal of Federal System of government is People’s Party provincial chairman for the North Christopher Mzomera Ngwira.

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