Ralph Kasambara has said it is not surprising that ex-President Joyce Banda has obtained an injunction to bar Osward Lutepo from accessing the former president’s call logs.

Kasambara, is a key suspect in the attempted murder of Paul Mphwiyo, wrote on his Facebook page that only someone who is hiding something would take such actions.

“In my village they say that only the guilty ones are afraid of policemen and run away from them even before they are interrogated” reasoned Kasambara.

“I am not shocked to hear that there is an injunction/stay order stopping Lutepo-charged with looting billion Kwachas-from accessing Joyce Banda’s call logs.

“By the way the State has all my call logs; and as I am writing my phones are listened to, recorded and what have you. All this courtesy of my former President” wrote Kasambara who served as Minister of Justice and Attorney General in the Joyce Banda’s government.

He was subsequently fired and arrested for conspiring to murder the then Budget Director, Paul Mphiyo.

It was an attempt in the former budget director that led to the discovery of the cashgate scandal.

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