Police in liwonde have arrested a 25 year old man for allegedly trying to sell his 12 year idl nephew for K6 million.

The suspect has been identified as Simedala John who hails from Chinthenga Village T/A Nsanama in Machinga.

Simedala is reported to have been pestering his friend who works with some international organisation to find him a buyer.

At first his friend thought John was only joking until one day he asked if he could meet up with the potential buyers. After realising it was a serious matter his friend then reported him to police.

According to Machinga Police spokesperson Adrew Mayawo said “Police then told the informer to setup a meeting who then letter setup the meeting at Mulipa close to where the boy was located.”

At the moment the suspect has been charged with a count of conduct likely to cause breach of peace as police are awaiting to find a proper charge for him, said the spokesperson.

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