Minister of Information, Tourism and Culture Kondwani Nankhumwa has urged Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) to remain professional and rise ‘above the fray of partisan politics and cheap fame at the expense of quality and professionalism.’

Nankhumwa disclosed this on Monday when he visited MBC’s Kwacha television studios and the broadcasting house at Chichiri in Blantyre.

In his speech, Nankhumwa said the Government will assure MBC of editorial independence and non-interference from government in its day to day work.

“I would like to assure that you that neither I, nor anyone from the Ministry or Government will come to interfere with MBC’s editorial independence and professionalism.

“If you fail, I don’t want you to blame me, the PS or Government. You will have failed because you wanted to. Government will give you space to function without any interference,” said Nankhumwa.

Nankhumwa visited MBC as part of his familiarsation tour of institutions under his ministry.

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