Malawians on the social media have expressed anger over the sentencing of former Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism Treza Namathanga Senzani to three years in jail.

The Civil Society Grand Coalition (CSGC) has described three-year custodial sentence handed to cashgate convict Treza Namanthanga Senzani, former Principal Secretary in the Ministry of tourism.

But CSGC feel the judge has given a “soft punishment”.

“People out there are suffering because of cashgate and to hear that Senzani will be in jail for three years is just unfair to the multitude,” said Lucky Mbewe, Coalition’s spokesperson.

Mbewe also wondered why the courts give longer sentences to small cases as compared to bigger cases.

“If someone steals a chicken he or she can be sentenced up to five years but when it comes to money laundering crimes such as the infamous cashgate you will find the same courts giving a three year sentence.

Judge Ivy Kamanga today sentenced Senzani to nine months for a charge of theft and three years for money laundering. The sentences will run concurrently.

Reacting to the sentence, Malawians on various social forums described the sentence as a ‘joke’.

– How can somebody somebody go with only 3yrs for stealing 63 million? Mai kamanga, akudyetsani chiyani?

-@ThisIsMalawi,, With that kind of a SLAP, not even a kid can cry…

– That is why i will not understand the legal profession. It is a legalized mafia grouping in itself

– Woba nkhuku imodzi eight years!!! Doesn’t make sense!

– Three years and she’ll be out in a year-and-a-half.  Zabomadi ndi zabwino, kuba eti?

– We are living in a crazy world indeed. Three years in jail for stealing K65 million while some brothers are still inside [jail] today serving their seven years jail term for stealing mbuzi imodzi [one goat].

– this is an insult to tax payers.

– Dzikoli likomera andalama. Ndende tizipitako ndife osaukafe.

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