October 15 is a day we celebrate the extraordinary importance of mothers in our lives. Mothers’ Day is a very special day on our calendar. I want to take a moment to honor all the mothers in the country and wish you a Happy Mother’s Day.

“We all have a life because there is a mother who persevered and endured to take care of us. It is amazing how unconditional the bond of love and dedication a mother shares with her children and family.
Mothers sometimes forego their own happiness to ensure our well-being.

We all owe some gratitude to our mothers not only on this very important day but throughout all the days of our lives.

The Bible in Proverbs 15:20 teaches that “A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.”

Fellow Malawians,
The best gift that we can give the mothers in our lives on their special day is to be better companions to the mother of our children while endeavoring to be a birthplace of relief and pride to our biological mothers. The paramount gift that mothers can provide to their children is to set principles, demand excellence and deny tolerating that which is ethically, morally or legally unacceptable.

Let me call upon all Malawians, especially children, to reflect on how we treat our mothers.
Let us pursue to be a spring of joy and not grief for our mothers. To all men, Let us strive for better relationships with the mothers of our own children.

My Administration is committed to doing all we can to support our women who constitute more than 50 percent of our population.I will not tolerate the abuse of women in any form including discrimination and gender based violence. Women should be respected, protected and facilitated to play a more positive role in our country.

Malawi is among the few countries which do not discriminate against women in the work place. I am glad that women have equal access to jobs, equal pay and opportunities for advancement just like all other employees in the work place.

Fellow Malawians,
I am proud of our mothers who shoulder a huge burden in ensuring that children are well taken care of. Our mothers are well gifted in balancing the demands of work, child care, taking care of the less privileged in society and education.

Lastly, and again, I wish the First Lady Her Excellency Madame Gertrude Mutharika and indeed all mothers in our country a Happy Mothers’ Day.

May God bless you all.

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