In its quest to get to the root of what transpired in the Cashgate scandal which saw up to MK20.3 Billion lost through fraud, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested several top notch figures in the country on miscellaneous charges.

According to ACB’s spokesperson Egrita Ndala, has dismissed claims that the arrests are arising in a way of   political witch hunting as most of the arrested were top officials in the previous regime, arguing that the body is not arresting people for `fun`.

“Reports which indicate that former president Joyce Banda under whose era the scandal got revealed, is on the `list` to be arrested by the body are not real, as ACB has not issued any report to the media on who it intends to arrest,” said Ndala.

“We are not arresting people for fun; perhaps let us not mention people we will arrest. Everyone who we have in our investigations will be arrested. However, this is not something we are doing out of fun, explained the spokesperson.

She added “We cannot say more on arresting Joyce Banda or anybody else. We are arresting out of investigations and not guesses”.

ACB has since arrested Former Budget Director Paul Mphwiyo, wife Thandie, Director of Office of Directorate of Public Assets Declaration Christopher Tukula, Lawyer Ishmael Chioko, Former PP’s spokesperson Hophmally Makande, Former Assistant Accountant to Government Victor Sithole, Business Tycoon Oswald Lutepo.

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