Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) have released a statement stating that Former budget director Paul Mphwiyo’s charges of  theft and money laundering are pegged at around MK4.2 Billion.

ACB further stated that, Mphwiyo had been reportedly laundering sums of money amounting to MK2.1million as well as stealing a similar amounting into personal accounts.

Mphwiyo and his wife Thandie on Saturday were apprehended by the country’s graft busting body, in connection with the Cashgate scandal.

According to Mphwiyo’s lawyer, Alemekezeke Mando appealed for the release of his client on the count that his medical condition deteriorated just after police arrested him on Saturday.

However ACB`s lawyer, Imlani Saidi had pleaded with the Lilongwe Magistrate court not to grant Mphwiyo a bail on the rationale that, it would tamper with the impending investigations that the body is carrying out in the country.

Saidi believed that if released on bail, investigations over his charges may get distorted as the body intends to investigate more out in absence of the suspect (Mphwiyo).

Magistrate Paul Chiotcha has adjourned the case to Wednesday when he will rule on the bail application.

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