Government wishes to register its distress at the assault and detention of Blantyre Newspapers Limited journalist Mr. Archibald Kasakura as he discharged his duties on Tuesday, October 21 2014 in Limbe, Blantyre.

Government wishes to express its sympathies to Mr. Kasakura and the Blantyre Newspapers Limited in respect of these despicable acts, and would wish to provide the assurance that the perpetrators will be brought to book and face the full extent of the law. There is nothing that justifies the victimization of journalists in a civilized society.

Government wishes to assure the media in Malawi they are and must be free to discharge their duties without fear or favour; let or hindrance. In the same context, enemies of the media, regardless of their status or standing in society, must stand warned that they will not be tolerated or left scot-free when they commit media violations.

It must be stated that the policy of the government of His Excellency the State President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika is to foster collaboration with all stakeholders, including the media, in the important task of building our nation, which includes the urgent need to narrow the circle of lack and depravity among our people.

Suffice it to say that both the government and the media stand on a common denominator in serving the same constituency made up of all Malawians. This, therefore, underlines the need for government and the media to work as partners in making sure that our nation becomes a better place for everyone.

To achieve this collaboration, His Excellency the State President, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, is encouraging the existence of a cordial relationship between government and the media. Where bridges connecting our relationship have been broken down, he wants them mended, and where they have not been there before, he wants them constructed.

As servants of the people, both government and the media must seize each and every available opportunity to use our respective platforms to cooperate in driving the agenda of national development, poverty alleviation and creation of wealth.

Let me re-emphasize the importance of collaboration by saying that just as the struggle against oppression to gain our independence and later multi-party democracy required the united effort, so will the successful prosecution of the struggle against poverty and underdevelopment require all of us, as Malawians, to unite our efforts and talents.

Kondwani Nankhumwa, M.P.
Minister of Information, Tourism and Culture
22nd October 2014

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