The United Democratic Front (UDF) is in a master challenge as it is set to kick Muluzi Family out of the party for their ‘self-catering prostitution’ with the Mutharika Government.

If not mere verbose vomited by anger-stricken betrayed souls, the developments generates a new wave of political business in the country where party personalization loses its reign.

The rebellion comes against the backdrop of suspicious developments between Muluzi Family (the founders of UDF) and the ruling DPP.

Prior to the just ended tripartite elections, Muluzi entered into a pact with Mutharika. Under that deal, Muluzi [the self-acclaimed political engineer] was to work underground horning victory chances of Mutharika.

Clear terms defining his returns were made.

As part of the kickbacks, Muluzi was to benefit immunity from his corruption charges, which almost saw his back breaking during the initial reign of DPP under Bingu wa Mutharika.

Another condition was that upon assuming victory, the DPP government would draft his son Atupele into cabinet.

Keeping its pledge, the DPP Government has since ‘graciously’ withdrew spanners from Muluzi’s corruption case. In that regard, the government has since given Muluzi back his fleet of vehicles [over 60] which the ACB seized in 2009.

The vehicles were suspected to have been bought using the diverted donor funds which made his corruption charges.

Mutharika has since also honoured the second bargain that Muluzi’s son Atupele be considered into cabinet. He has since been appointed as Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining.

Peeved by a number of such personal gains that are submitting the strength of UDF into oblivion, the party’s politburo including its official mouth piece, Ken Ndanga, have resolved enough to be enough and resorted to kick the family out.

Investigations, further reveal that Atcheya played a pivotal role in the DPP’s alleged rigging scheme of the elections. Due to this, Atcheya commands favours’ from Mutharika Government.

Exploiting his adopted negotiating power, Muluzi is said to have extended his demands from the government, requesting access to his frozen money.

Muluzi had some of his local and foreign bank accounts frozen in the same year 2009 pertaining to the same corruption charges.

But Mutharika felt placed between hard surfaces – the ‘political engineer’ on one side and the law on the other. Giving in to this demand on top of releasing the long-impounded vehicles would become more suspicious to the public and other stakeholders.

Instead, Mutharika calculated another way to cool down the ‘boiling political engine’ from Kapoloma. He told Atcheya that there would be another means of enabling him (Muluzi) to ‘legitimately’ draw extra money from the government coffers apart from his retirement package.

Among the devised means, Mutharika endorsed the appointment of Atcheya as a Special Commonwealth envoy to Swaziland. With this, Atcheya would be cashing from government.

He has further been promised of regular assignments as official delegate to less crucial events happening abroad. This is why Muluzi has since been delegated to represent Mutharika at Zambia’s 50th Independence Anniversary cerebrations. On this assignment, Muluzi will draw allowances that the sitting President would otherwise receive.

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